Our Story

Johanna and Corey founded WhizKid Vision in 2020 after realizing their kids were going to be stuck in lockdown indefinitely due to the coronavirus. The unintended consequence is 200% more screentime than their kids were used to, and now that Johanna was effectively homeschooling their 3 youngest children, they believed there was a global need for affordable and accessible eye protection from harmful blue light radiation for children. They shared a love for health & wellness as well as a holistic approach to the care of their children's health and felt they could help protect one of the most valuable assets of the younger generation - their eyes. Their idea took shape right in their own home and neighborhood. Inspired by a tight group of neighbors, they gave blue-light blocking computer glasses to the kids in their neighborhood at the beginning of the school year, which planted the seed for their company by envisioning every child who spends any time in front of a computer, tablet, phone or TV to protect their eyes from permanent retina damage due to the harmful blue light radiation.